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ss installed pipeline7 Major structures of immersed pipeline and bridging pipeline construction8 Subsidiary structures of pipeline9 Function test of pipelineAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppend
【阅读全文】2017/12/6 查阅:(0) 标签:
neral Plan65 General Layout75.1 General Provisions75.2 Main Building (Structures)85.3 Auxiliary (Subsidiary) Buildings85.4 Enclosing wall, Rail and Main Entrance95.5 Spacing between Buildings (Structures
【阅读全文】2017/12/5 查阅:(0) 标签:
and dose of medicament 4.6 Monitoring and chemical examination 5 Circulating Water Pump Room and Subsidiary Buildings (Structures) 5.1 Circulating water pump room 5.2 Other structures 5.3 Operation room
【阅读全文】2017/12/5 查阅:(0) 标签:
标准号:bsi BS 7533-11 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pave
【阅读全文】2014/5/21 查阅:(0) 标签:英国标准
标准号:bsi BS 8544 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Guide for life cycle costing of maintenance during the in use phas
【阅读全文】2014/5/21 查阅:(0) 标签:英国标准
标准号:bsi BS EN 590 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: (FAULTY STANDARD) Automotive fuels - Diesel - Requirements and t
【阅读全文】2014/5/21 查阅:(0) 标签:英国标准
标准号:bsi BS ISO 22889 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Metallic materials - Method of test for the determination of
【阅读全文】2014/5/21 查阅:(0) 标签:英国标准
标准号:bsi PD CEN ISO/TS 16190 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Footwear — Critical substances potentially present in
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标准号:bsi BS ISO 23380 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Selection of methods for the determination of trace elements
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标准号:bsi BS 8103-2 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Structural design of low-rise buildings – Part 2: Code of practi
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标准号:bsi BS ISO 6986 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Side and face milling (slotting) cutters with indexable insert
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标准号:bsi PD ISO/TS 15638-16 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collabora
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标准号:bsi PD ISO/TS 15638-17 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Intelligent transport systems — Framework for collabora
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标准号:bsi BS ISO 30021 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Plastics — Burning behaviour — Intermediate-scale fire-resist
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标准号:bsi BS ISO/IEC 9541-1 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Information technology. Font information interchange. Ar
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标准号:bsi BS ISO/IEC 9541-2 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Information technology. Font information interchange. In
【阅读全文】2014/5/21 查阅:(0) 标签:英国标准
标准号:bsi BS 8595 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Code of practice for the selection of water reuse systems 页数:38pag
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标准号:bsi BS EN 60312-1 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Vacuum cleaners for household use Part 1: Dry vacuum cleaner
【阅读全文】2014/5/21 查阅:(0) 标签:英国标准
标准号:bsi BS EN ISO 12312-1 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Eye and face protection - Sunglasses and related eyewear
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标准号:bsi BS EN 61280-1-1 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Fibre Optic Communication Subsystem Basic Test Procedures
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标准号:bsi BS EN 61191-1 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Printed Board Assemblies - Part 1: Generic Specification - R
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标准号:bsi BS EN 61169-42 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Radio-frequency connectors Part 42: Sectional specification
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标准号:bsi PD IEC/TR 62799 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Models for evaluation of thermal hazard in medical diagnos
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标准号:bsi BS EN ISO 14253-1 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Inspection by
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标准号:bsi BS EN 61000-3-3 发布日期:2013.09.30 标准标题: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - L
【阅读全文】2014/5/21 查阅:(0) 标签:英国标准
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